Tuesday, February 10, 2009

He who touches Israel

"He who touches Israel touches the apple of His eye. He who touches Israel touches the passion of His heart."
For the last 3 nights, in the early morning, I have been waking up with that song in my head. It is on the new Julie Meyer Cd. I don't go to bed thinking about it or listening to it. Finally, this morning when I woke up with those words again, I knew that the Lord was up to something.
I made my coffee, sat on the couch by the fire and started reading the Word... and spending time with the Lord. I started to journal and wrote those words...
I heard the Lord say that I had been interceding for Israel for the past 3 nights in my sleep. I think that is so amazing, because I know some of what is going on there with the Gaza strip, ect... but I asked the Lord to use me and give me His heart for Israel.... and I started to feel His passion...
He is sooo much fun!!
I just love being on this adventure with Him... :)


  1. amazing touching the lives of 100,000,000 people - your words brought me back to the most important heart to touch - the heart of God....
    I love and appreciate You,

  2. i love that cd!! he who touches Israel...lalala. glad you are writing and I get to read you!
